Within the framework of our RETHINK-GSC project, there are currently two job openings with our consortium partners in Gdańsk and Budapest.
Global supply chains (GSC) play an important role in today’s economy. However, they are strongly affected by current and future economic disruptions, shocks and other uncertainties. Over the next three years, RETHINK-GSC aims to develop a better understanding of GSC’s changing nature, focusing on the increasing importance of intangibles such as knowledge flows and other services inputs. Resulting research output will inform policy makers in order to design appropriate policy responses to challenges affecting global supply chains as well as their employment and social impacts.
The research team based at Centre for Economic and Regional Studies (KRTK) in Budapest is involved in multiple sub-projects — with a main contribution through a multi-county firm-level survey. The survey will provide detailed insights into the nature of knowledge flows in buyer-supplier relationships, address recent challenges and future outlooks, including the role of face-to-face communication in transferring knowledge and contributing to innovation. In this context, the KRTK is currently looking for a postdoctoral research fellow to join the institute’s RETHINK-GSC team of Gábor Békés, Márta Bisztray, Miklós Koren and Balázs Lengyel.
The second researcher, a microdata specialist, will be hired in Spring 2023 at the Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech) to join the team led by Aleksandra Parteka. Gdańsk Tech will look for a research assistant to be involved in the elaboration of a dataset needed to identify the role of various entities in the process of knowledge creation in Europe — with a particular focus on the role played by higher education institutions.
To learn more about the job opening at the KRTK click here for the pdf or find it on the EconJobMarket platform.
For more information on the upcoming position at the Gdańsk Tech, follow the institute’s website.